Awards 1


Here are all awards we have received from other sites.


verliehen von Moritz Hundepage

"Hallo Christina, wir haben die Homepage des Cocker Club Köllertal besucht und wir haben sie für absolut würdig gefunden, unseren Award zu bekommen." ***GRATULATION***


verliehen von Trevina (A Must See Site For Dog Lovers Everywhere)

"Hi, how are you in this wonderful new millennium? You submitted your site for my "Dog Lovers Award" and I am sending you this message to let you know that you have won the award. Your site was a wonderful tribute Cockers and to dogs everywhere."


verliehen von Fran aka Ayzha (Ayzha´s Attic)

"Hello and thank you for applying for a custom award. I have viewed your site and you have done a very nice job. Pictures are adorable! I am attaching the custom award I created for you."


verliehen von Marie Loré (Kennel Evermore)

"Hi Christina, Here comes our award, which you applied for. I like your site, even if I must admit that I don't understand so much of it..., I seem to have forget everything about my German! Good luck in the future! Best wishes, Marie Loré, kennel Evermore"


verliehen von Sherry (Mateer Labradors)

"Congratulations! What a beautiful web site. I am attaching your awards: The first is Natasha's Award. The second award is the Mateer Labradors award."


verliehen von Dogs World

"Congratulations !!!!! Your site has received our "Tail Wagging Award" (Only 20% of submissions receive this award). Your site has met all of our criteria and then some. What a wonderful asset to our on-line community."


verliehen von Jan Mantzel (Tiger´s und Pantha´s Homepage)

"Hallo Christina, wir haben uns Deine Homepage angeguckt und sind schwer begeistert ! Ihr habt Euch den Golden Paw Award redlich verdient ! Schöne Grüße von Tiger & Pantha, Jan (der Rudelführer)"


verliehen von Tammy (CockerLuv)

"Hello! Thanks for visiting my site and furkids. You have a great site. I love the pictures of Penny. She is beautiful. Here's your Caring Site Award and I would also like for you to have our Heavenly Site award for your memorial page. Best wishes, Tammy"


verliehen von Annika (The Black´n Tan Boys)

"Hi Christina, of course you will have the award from Gibson & Timmy! We really liked your site. All the best to you and Penny. Take care Annika"


verliehen von George Grindlay (Queenswell Cocker Spaniels)

"It gives me great pleasure to give your site the award as I have visited many times already and found it very interesting!!!! Keep up the good work! Kind regards, George Grindlay"


 Awards II